
work for life

26 Oct 2015


        <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-44" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">这将安装32位版本的Xubuntu和最新LTS版(12.04.3写),而不是一个64位13.10统一桌面(默认)。 一些可能的味道替代统一(- m选项): </span>
        <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-45" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">默认的 </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-46" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——ubuntu桌面 </span><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-47" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">kubuntu-desktop </span></b><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-48" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">lubuntu-desktop </span></b><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-49" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">xubuntu-desktop </span></b><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-50" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">edubuntu-desktop </span></b><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-51" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">ubuntu-standard </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-52" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——没有GUI安装 </span>
        <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-53" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">一些可能的版本(- u选项): </span>
        <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-54" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">lts </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-55" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——最新LTS Ubuntu版本,12.04.3在撰写本文时 </span><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-56" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">最新的 </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-57" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——最新官方版本,目前13.10 </span><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-58" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">dev </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-59" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——不稳定的开发Ubuntu发布。 专家! 如果这休息,不要感到惊讶。 </span><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-60" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">12.10 </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-61" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——Ubuntu 12.10版本 </span>
        <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-62" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">可能的架构(- a选项): </span>
        <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-63" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">amd64 </span></b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-64" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">——默认 </span><br /> <b><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-65" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">i386 </span></b>
        <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-66" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">&#8211; t目标桌子选项是完全未经考验的现在! </span></li> 
          <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-67" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">在安装期间(5 &#8211; 15分钟内)。 你会看到一些提示选择您的编码,语言环境和语言。 对大多数人来说,默认应该没事的,只是按Enter键,如果你想改变它们。 后来,你会被提示来决定应该安装GRUB的地方。 你必须sda复选框旁边的为了引导工作! </span>
          <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-68" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">毕竟Ubuntu的文件已经下载,安装和配置,该脚本将使更多的更新,然后提示你重新启动。 </span>
          <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-69" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">在屏幕可怕的开发模式,点击CTRL + L,而不是按CTRL + D。 你会看到ChrUbuntu启动! 用户名是“用户”和密码“用户”。 </span>
        </li></ol> </div> 
            <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-70" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE"> 就是这样! 现在你可以按CTRL + L引导ChrUbuntu(L的遗产,传统操作系统)或按CTRL + D启动Chrome OS(D在默认OS磁盘上)。 </span>
            <span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-71" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE"> 最后但重要的是,我想给一个大感谢+ </span><a href="https://plus.google.com/100479847213284361344/posts" target="_blank"><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-72" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">比尔·理查森 </span></a><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-73" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">,+ </span><a href="https://plus.google.com/102325349472273329333/posts" target="_blank"><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-74" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">罗恩Minnich </span></a><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-75" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">, </span><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-76" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">+ </span><a href="https://plus.google.com/101550095383851162852/posts" target="_blank"><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-77" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">Stefan Reinauer </span></a><span id="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE-78" class="OUTFOX_JTR_TRANS_NODE">和其他员工工作的低级Chrome OS硬件/软件,使一个真正令人难以置信的强大和开放Chrome OS平台! 伟大作品的家伙! </span>
          <hr />
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          <h3 class="post-title entry-title" style="text-align: center;">
            ChrUbuntu for New Chromebooks: Now with more Ubuntu
          <div id="post-body-3234478954455221800" class="post-body entry-content">
              Since I started ChrUbuntu back in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://chromeos-cr48.blogspot.com/2010/12/easy-way-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-cr.html" target="_blank">December of 2010</a>, it&#8217;s always been necessary to utilize the Chrome OS Linux kernel with Ubuntu in order to solve some compatibility issues with the Chromebook architecture. That&#8217;s changed with the Chromebook Pixel and the newer Haswell-based Chromebooks like the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FNPD1OY/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00FNPD1OY&linkCode=as2&tag=chro48-20">Acer C720</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>and<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FGOTA9M/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00FGOTA9M&linkCode=as2&tag=chro48-20">HP Chromebook 14</a>. Each of these models supports<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="https://plus.google.com/100479847213284361344/posts/QhmBpn5GNE9" target="_blank">booting from a more traditional PC BIOS mode</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>which makes it simple to use stock Ubuntu kernels on them.
              This ChrUbuntu release is a<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><u>preview</u><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>that will only support x86-based Chromebooks, Pixel and newer (read: the ARM-based HP Chromebook 11 is not supported, nor are the older Acer C7, Samsung 550, etc. Use the old s9ryd script for these devices). I hope to eventually wrap this script back in to the main sr9yd ChrUbuntu install script but for now, I recommend this script on these newer devices over the old one.
              <b>Note:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>The trackpad is only supported with 13.10 and higher. I&#8217;m working to backport the trackpad drivers to 12.04. For now stick with 13.10 or use a USB mouse.
              Here are the steps to install ChrUbuntu on a Pixel or Haswell-based Chromebook:
                    To get started, make sure your Chromebook is in developer mode. Model-specific instructions can be<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-information-for-chrome-os-devices">found here</a>.
                    Start with your Chrome device turned off. Turn it on but do not login. Make sure you have a WiFi or Ethernet connection configured at this point. 3G/4G is not recommended. Press CTRL+ALT+=> (=> is the forward arrow where the F2 key would be on a PC). Do not use the normal CTRL+ALT+T method to get a shell. Use the CTRL+ALT+=> method while no one is logged in.
                    Login as user chronos, no password is needed.
                    As the chronos user and without having changed directories or run other commands, run:curl -L -O http://goo.gl/9sgchs; sudo bash 9sgchsMake sure you have the command exactly right. The -O and -L after curl are both capital letters. 9sgchs is all lowercase letters and numbers and would sound like &#8220;nine ess gee see aich ess&#8221; if you said it out loud. If you get a &#8220;not found&#8221; error, make sure you have Internet connectivity and you&#8217;re typing the command correctly.
                    You&#8217;ll be prompted with some information about your Chromebook and the version of ChrUbuntu to be installed. Press Enter to continue.
                    The Chrome OS stateful partition where your data and settings are stored is just short of 11gb by default (except for the Pixel which has a 32 or 64gb SSD), the script shrinks the stateful partition to make room for ChrUbuntu. You can choose to give ChrUbuntu from 5gb up to 10gb in 1gb increments (Note: If you&#8217;ve installed a larger SSD in your Chrome device, your max number and recommended max will be larger). I recommend not going higher than 9 as 10 leaves Chrome OS with very little free space (less than 1gb).
                    Once you&#8217;ve entered a number, your hard drive will be repartitioned. After awhile it will reboot and re-initialize the stateful partition. This process takes 2-15 minutes and then the Chromebook reboots again and shows you the Welcome screen you got when you first turned on your Chromebook out of the cardboard box.<b>Pro Tip:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></b>don&#8217;t like Ubuntu or any of it&#8217;s variants? You can stop now and plug a ready to go Linux USB Boot disk for<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_and_use_Live_USB">Fedora</a>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s03.html.en">Debian</a>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/744">Mint</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>or pretty much any other distro in the drive. Then hit CTRL+L to initiate the legacy boot. Format and install the OS to the /dev/sda7 partition and make sure GRUB is installed to /dev/sda and you should be good to go!
                    Go through the Chrome OS setup process again until you get to the Google login page. You&#8217;ll need to have a WiFi or Ethernet connection again at this point. Now follow steps 2 through 5 again. This time the script will see that you&#8217;ve already made room for Ubuntu and start downloading ChrUbuntu.<b>Pro Tip:</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Here&#8217;s where you can install other versions of Ubuntu! To see what options you have run:curl -L -O http://goo.gl/9sgchs; sudo bash 9sgchs -h <p>
                      An example custom installation would be:
                      curl -L -O http://goo.gl/9sgchs; sudo bash 9sgchs -m xubuntu-desktop -u lts -a i386
                      which would install the 32-bit version of Xubuntu and the latest LTS release (12.04.3 as of writing) rather than a 64-bit 13.10 Unity desktop (which is the default). Some possible flavor alternatives to Unity (-m option) are:
                      <b>default</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> &#8212; ubuntu-desktop<br /> <b>kubuntu-desktop</b><br /> <b>lubuntu-desktop</b><br /> <b>xubuntu-desktop</b><br /> <b>edubuntu-desktop</b><br /> <b>ubuntu-standard</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span> &#8212; no GUI installed
                      some possible versions (-u option) are:
                      <b>lts</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>&#8212; latest LTS Ubuntu release, 12.04.3 as of this writing<br /> <b>latest</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>&#8212; latest official release, currently 13.10<br /> <b>dev</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>&#8212; unstable development Ubuntu release. Experts only! If this breaks, don&#8217;t be surprised.<br /> <b>12.10</b><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>&#8212; Ubuntu 12.10 release
                      the possible architectures (-a option) are:
                      <b>amd64<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></b> &#8212; default<br /> <b>i386</b>
                      the -t target desk option is completely untested right now!</li> 
                        During the installation (within the first 5-15 minutes). You&#8217;ll see a few prompts to select your encoding, locale and language. For most people, the defaults should be fine, just press Enter but change them if you&#8217;d like. Later on, you&#8217;ll be prompted to decide where GRUB should be installed. YOU MUST CHECK THE BOX NEXT TO /dev/sda in order for boot to work!
                        After all of the Ubuntu files have been downloaded, installed and configured, the script will make a few more updates and then prompt you to reboot.
                        At the scary developer mode screen, hit CTRL+L instead of CTRL+D. You&#8217;ll see ChrUbuntu start up! The username is &#8220;user&#8221; and the password is &#8220;user&#8221;.
                      </li></ol> </div> 
                          That&#8217;s it! Now you can just press CTRL+L to boot ChrUbuntu (L as in Legacy, traditional OS) or CTRL+D to boot Chrome OS (D as in Default OS on Disk).
                          Last but least, I want to give a big thank you to +<a href="https://plus.google.com/100479847213284361344/posts" target="_blank">Bill Richardson</a>, +<a href="https://plus.google.com/102325349472273329333/posts" target="_blank">Ron Minnich</a>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>+<a href="https://plus.google.com/101550095383851162852/posts" target="_blank">Stefan Reinauer</a> and other Googlers who work on the low-level Chrome OS hardware/software and have made a truly incredible, powerful and open Chrome OS platform! Great work guys!
                      </div></div> </div> </div>
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