
work for life

12 Oct 2016

记一道Google Test



The Constitution of a certain country states that the leader is the person with the name containing the greatest number of different alphabet letters. (The country uses the uppercase English alphabet from A through Z.) For example, the name GOOGLE has four different alphabet letters: E, G, L, and O. The name APAC CODE JAM has eight different letters. If the country only consists of these 2 persons, APAC CODE JAM would be the leader.

If there is a tie, the person whose name comes earliest in alphabetical order is the leader.

Given a list of names of the citizens of the country, can you determine who the leader is?


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case starts with a line with an interger N, the number of people in the country. Then N lines follow. The i-th line represents the name of the i-th person. Each name contains at most 20 characters and contains at least one alphabet letter.


For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the name of the leader.


1 ≤ T ≤ 100.

1 ≤ N ≤ 100.

1 #!/bin/env python
2 # coding:utf-8
4 '''
5 import sys
7 Input = []
8 while True:
9     line = sys.stdin.readlines()
10    if not line:
11        break
12    Input.extend(line)
13 '''
14 with open('./Input.in', 'r') as f:
15     Input = f.readlines()
17 #创建输入字典
18 num = Input.pop(0)
19 Input_dict = {}
20 count = 0
21 for i in xrange(len(Input)):
22 #换行符去掉
23     Input[i] = Input[i][:-1]
24     if Input[i] in map(lambda x: str(x), (x for x in xrange(1,101))):
25         count += 1
26         Input_dict[str(count)] = []
27 else:
28     Input_dict[str(count)].append(Input[i])
30 for j in xrange(1,len(Input_dict)+1):
31     max_len = 0
32     for str_i in Input_dict[str(j)]:
33         set_str = set(str_i)
34         #考虑名字有空格,滤去空格
35         if ' ' in set_str:
36              set_str.remove(' ')
37         if len(set_str) > max_len:
38             max_len = len(str_i)
39             max_str = str_i
40         elif len(set_str) == max_len:
41             sorted_str = sorted([max_str, str_i])
42             max_str = sorted_str[0]
43 with open('./Output.in', 'a') as f:
44      f.write("Case #%d: %s\n" % (j, max_str))
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